Tournament Format
- 54-Hole Team Tournament
- Daily Format: Shamble – Team Quota Revised Each Day
- Scoring will be determined using 3 of the 5 best teams scores using a gross point system. The team with the highest point total compared to their quota is the daily winner. Point totals for three days of play will be added together to determine the overall winner.
- Tee Assignments
- Men Tees
- Senior Men Tees / Women Professional Tees
- Women Tees
Entry Terms & Conditions
Invited Host Professionals or Club Representatives are solely responsible for registering their teams for the event. Once a Host Professional submits his/her registration, the club has 14-days to cancel its commitment to the event. After that, the club is committed to field a team at the minimum team entry cost of (4) double occupancy member registration packages. Once directed to register during the Open Entry period, Members participating on teams in the tournament field will have their club account billed within 30-business days from when their registration is submitted.
A complete summary of Tournament Entry Terms and Conditions along with Player Waiver is provided above the online registration form. In order to successfully submit the player registration, a member must acknowledge that he/she has read the Terms and Conditions and agrees to them.
THIS COMPLETE TOURNAMENT EXPERIENCE IS LIMITED TO 40 TEAMS. SPOTS IN THE FIELD WILL BE CONFIRMED ON A FIRST-TO-SIGN-UP BASIS. Once capacity is reached a waitlist will be established to backfill any cancelations and/or fill additional places in the field on a space-available basis pending Pinehurst Resort’s room and golf occupancy levels.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Members may cancel their registration for a refund prior to the May 1, 2025 Open Entry deadline or once the Open Entry Period closes, whichever comes sooner. Member cancelation(s) does not release their club’s team commitment to the event and the club is responsible for replacing the canceling player(s). After Open Entry closes, there will be no refunds for registered player cancelations unless the member or the member’s club provides a fully paid substitute to replace the canceling member(s). All cancelation requests must be submitted to the Director of National Tournaments in writing. Refunds for entry charges billed to member accounts will be made within 30-business days from when the member’s cancelation request is approved by the Director of National Tournaments.